Understanding different remote work options

Choosing a remote access method

When migrating to the cloud, you’ll be connecting to the system remotely, so the quality of that remote access is vital.

Many remote access methods are poorly optimized, unreliable, or insecure. This results in a frustrating experience for your team.

Common methods include:

Web browser access

If your application supports web browser access, this can be a great and cost-effective way of hosting it in the cloud, but it requires the application developer to provide this feature, which few do.

Thankfully, AION can help by acting as an intermediary. Once hosted in AION, your app can be ‘published’ online for secure, easy access.

This allows authorised users to access your application like a website, securely and easily.

This is a great option if you want to give other businesses, contractors, or customers limited access to your IT system or database without requiring them to install any applications on their computer.

Windows Remote Desktop (RDP)

A built-in Windows tool, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), isn't secure for internet use. It needs extra systems and add-ons for security, but still isn't as secure as AION.

RDP cannot use devices like cameras and headphones, so you can't do video calls with Teams or Zoom.

RDP is not optimized for operating over the internet, so it can be slow and unreliable unless conditions are perfect. Watching media like youtube, or working in graphic design / CAD apps is not feasible.

Virtual Private Networking (VPNs)

VPNs connect your computer to a remote network, like a virtual cable. This introduces problems due to the time taken for messages to travel back and forth.

The time involved may only be 10-40 milliseconds, however an application designed for local network use expects a near-instant response of less than 0.1 millisecond.

These tiny delays are thus up to 400 times longer than expected, so they add up and result in slow performance, app crashes, and sometimes even data corruption.

VPNs are reliant on a stable internet connection, even a momentary interruption results in data loss and can end your work session, requiring you to start all over again.

When you connect to a VPN, your computer is ‘plugged in’ to the corporate network. This requires additional security measures on your device, but can still put your corporate network at risk.

It also makes Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) working impossible, as personal devices cannot be strictly controlled to protect the network.

Teamviewer or other VNC-style access

These methods are only suitable for very small businesses, or those where only a few users need remote access.

Teamviewer ties up an entire computer while in use, and has been hacked many times over the past decade.

While it can be a useful tool, it must be set up and secured appropriately, and limited to minimise risk.

The ideal option: AION Cloud

AION solves all the challenges listed above:

  • It is secured with two-factor authentication and enterprise-grade encryption, and includes advanced cybersecurity threat monitoring.

  • Fully supports webcams, headsets, and video or phone calling with Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

  • Optimised for access via the internet, with proprietary compression algorithms that deliver ultra-fast and smooth work and media content.

  • Robust handling of internet glitches to ensure no interruption to your work, and automatic reconnection in the event of an outage.

  • All processing is handled in the cloud, so no delay is introduced and apps perform at maximum speed.

  • AION does not connect the user’s device to your network - it acts as a filter, protecting your IT system from potential risks.

  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is easy as AION can be accessed safely and securely with just a web browser.

  • Scales up or down to suit as many users as you require.