Reduce the cost of computer hardware with cloud services

When using a cloud IT system like AION, the computer or laptop on your desk is only used as a ‘terminal’.

Your apps, data and processing are all in the cloud, and just the resulting image is displayed on your computer.

This means that your computer doesn’t need to be powerful or modern - because it’s not doing any of the work.

Most computers are replaced every 3 to 5 years, but with AION you can get up to 7 years of use without any reduction in performance, saving you money.

When you do buy new computers, you can purchase lower-spec budget equipment, further reducing your IT costs.

It also makes it easy to keep a spare computer as backup for your team, as they are much cheaper to buy.

You may even notice a reduction in your electricity bill!

This also applies to server hardware and supporting equipment like uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), expensive networking, and backup drives. All are no longer required when your IT system is in the cloud.

Lastly, your internet connection could be downgraded to reduce costs, as AION only requires minimal bandwidth to operate.